May 17

S12’s on the no carb diet…

A while back I did the full VG30  efi to carb conversion. The project was fun, it was unique and the first s12 with the carb treatment.

But fun part was over, I played with it, nuked a motor with it. toured the las vegas strip with it. Issues I’ve had with it, is always related to the distributor.  As it is a custom build from Davis Unified Ignition. It’s alright but it has bugs to work out and I don’t have the patience any more.

So I have reinstalled the EFI system and upgrading it with another new system.  Because my goal of this machine is to rock it sideways like I did before and keep going.  my goal was to get into Pro-Am and hit it’s top 16 shootout or what ever they call it now.  Because of this project I feel so disconnected from my main goal and the fun that follows it.  So she will return! returning back to the original glory then upgrade to the j30 motor in the future.

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Sep 01

Starting to stream more at the track…

Greetings, I have been  doing alot of twitch streams at the track lately and using stream labs for andoid things has been a bit successful.

Here was the latest video on demand I have done while I was at the last night time vegas drift track.

I am doing this monthly so be sure if you come here and found this to follow me on twitch as well.


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Apr 17

DPAN GT – Notice me Senpai!

I feel like the last Nissan S12 (200sx) that still exists and drivable in Las Vegas, so i said I will take my car to DPAN GT and I did so with no issues at all.  I have tested and verified my car is running in tip top shape still and have been driving it casually lately.  This date is also lands on the same saturday for the Ratsun LV meet so alot of ratsun lv guys will show up to this.

I drove down some surface streets to make it there due to my alignment is bad and I wanted to keep it safe.  I made it there 10 minutes before the actual start time of the car show, which was good I was able to start picking out some food for lunch at the same time on top of the water I have with me. 
I found a cozy spot by Twin Peak’s bar and BJ’s. and started to take pictures of the other cars that arrived. There was a huge mixture of different nissan, toyotas, mazda’s etc..  It was a nice show up and they where all taking pictures but I feel my car was missed in that picture taken. Because it is this thing about the s12 unless it looks like a classy eye candy car it gets missed. S12’s regardless they where built for rally WRC style, they are often an ignored S chassis. I got alot of people asking questions though about the carb setup, and how it seemed to blown their minds.  It was great, I did get asked about if it is was an v8.
Around 4:30 I decided to leave and head to frys.  As I needed to pick up a few computer parts for a secondary pc I am building for testing on my WonderingRaven Networks. Other than that it has been a very long time since I driven her to Fry’s.

I left fry’s around 5:20 to make it to Samurai Motors by 5:30ish, and this is where I met up with more people and different cars ones that didn’t make it to  It was good show up and more pictures was taken and my car had alot of kudos for being carb’d.

It was great hanging out with people here, but unfortunately I had to leave around 8:30pm and couldn’t stay until midnight..

Overall it was a great meet, it was very friendly nothing bad.  If at most I hope to see that my car gets some pics out there as they post them up.

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Mar 28

Vegas Drift – Spirit of the Streets – Vegas S12 Invasion

03/24/2018 was the beginning for the The Vegas S12 Invasion, powered by Club-s12, TougeSW, and VegasDrift.  It started at Speedvegas at around 7am a few people showed up, we rolled out around 10:15am and started the drive down the Las Vegas Strip (Speed Vegas is located just south of the M resort on Las Vegas BLVD directly south of the strip)

Crusing the strip, with only 4 cars strong and a friend with his Bike, I didn’t get a chance to get to the rear and just lead the way with me driving first down the last vegas strip ( I wanted someone else to lead but they didn’t want to) .  So pressing on with GoPro footage down the strip that took about 1 hour and 20 minutes to complete. Around 11:45am we arrived at the track. One of the s12 owners could not get into the track but we have met up with a driver that his S12 is currently down. He was the one who actually built a community in Las Vegas called Las Vegas S12 Owners Society.  The s12 community itself has been going down it seems, the last known support is what is left. Even with some california guys at the last minute stated was unable to make it and due to this support this event only lasted 1 day.

Vegas Drift, I wanted to drive this event sooo bad but was unable to due to my cars current condition with it’s paint and such. I wanted to paint this car with a solid color a few months back but was unable to because of the help was promised but never delivered.   But the event it self was great there was 2 courses setup and it was like a huge loop of drifting all around, chains for days.  We left around 3pm due to the wind was way too strong and instead of a BBQ we headed to Outback steak house and did some bowling and that is when the day came to the end.

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Jan 22

VegasDrift 2018 Opener – 01-21 – My Redemption

Today I was gearing up to the start off of a great year, at first I was going with all out at the main track but I decided not to this first run because I don’t want to end up breaking the motor again and thought I should relearn my car again. So I ventured forth with the wet track.

I am starting over with learning this motor keeping an eye on the revving and listening to the motor reactions,  I’ve said before it’s amazing how much power it pushes at a lower rev. But as a reminder I do need a new set of front tires for grip.

There was no hesitation when hitting sideways as it is pushing that torque and I can really feel that when I hit the water as I get a lot of over-steering if i give it too much gas. The lines started to get really long where I was getting maybe 1 – 2 runs an hour but hey guess what? I waited and did it until they ended at 5pm. It was amazing and I had fun.

To be honest I was afraid of only getting 1 run this day, but instead I had a bit of redemption and I am glade I made the choice of sticking to the wet pad this time and start over instead of taking the track head on as I could have blown another motor from ignorance.

Side note: old + water does not mix, I did alot of hopping in the rear and felt like I needed to warm up the tires. This being the skid pad drenched with water and a 2 minute time limit, I couldn’t do burn out in the pad nor outside due to the rules =( but that is ok, my tires warmed up more I got to drive.

My gopro’s battery sucks I gotta order new ones for the next event, so here is a little clip of my first run in the skid pad.

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Dec 10

Nissan S12 – Ratsun LV – meet 12/09/2017 – Sonic Location

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Nov 30

200sx (s12) still lives on in Vegas…

This was a last minute meet up at my house for Jay’s documentation that he was working on. Around 10am they came to my house as they rolled up with their s12’s.
In this case I have 2 working s12’s also but not clean looking yet. Yeha I live in a cul de sac style street in where we could line up and get a picture or 2 or maybe 10. I figured this was a perfect time to shine my pictures with my Google Pixel 2 XL’s awesome camera.

I’ve included my backup daily ride that I am still continuing to improve and my car I’ve dedicated to drifting as of lately yet I did modifications to it that no one would dare to because I went backwards in technology.

Jay’s sr20det powered was a beast, inspiring at least after seeing from the restore posts and then seeing it in person. We also have Patrick’s Stock with A/C SEv6  200sx 2 tone, extremely clean looking.

I took a ride-along with Jay’s SR20det machine and it was amazing it was pulling hard like my 350z does at 300hp just it does feel faster due to the weight. Patrick actually drive it, I am not one to drive others machine especially with a temptation to wanting to push it and if I break it, it might not be pretty.

It was great to have a mini meet at the last minute with these old rally sports cars.

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Sep 19

Street Driven is back in Vegas

Time for some fun, my 1987 200sx is on crunch time to get the transmission swapped out and ready to drive just for stance wars and just show off at vegasdrift on sunday.

If you follow this, come out and say hi.

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Jul 07

Vegas Drift Summer Games 6/29/2017

I came out this day to check it out, the area was a bit short, room was very limited. Only issue I’ve seen for this area was the location and it has no place to sit and actually see the fun through the wall of people.  The games started around 9pm and at this time I had to leave because I do have to wake up early for work.

There was a few random cars around but nothing worth to really focus on a huge gallery.







After leaving I ventured home to get some sleep.

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Apr 29

I survived the valley of fire! seriously.

Thanks to Touge Girl Designs and SinCityZ revival I ventured on this cruise with my 2008 350z VQ35hr

SinCityz as a community driven culture in Las Vegas, they meet up every Saturday at 7-10am at The Car Show (9510 S Eastern ave, Las Vegas, NV 89123), Normally with the hard week I have with my Nissan Silvia 12’s and my IT Career based job, sleeping in on a Saturday is a thing for me but with recent change in my diet I have been forcing myself to get up early and head out.

The Cruise was fun and what got me was the last time I was out there was back in late 2002 (decemberish?) just before I was diagnosed with cancer in January of 2003( in a nutshell; I had Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma that was growing inside for over the past 7 years spread apart nearly all my internal organs causing me to bleed to death when I had a sudden shock to my body in October of 2002 when I got into my first car accident, after the car accident my body started to shut down and I was starting to loose my ability to even walk far with out blacking out).


We meet up at The Car Show location around 7am roll out at 8am-ish, Made it to the Lake Mead Entrance at the Henderson side. From there we took the path around the back side towards the Valley of Fire and after a few stops we tend to lost the second half of the group that had my brothers 82 280zx in it.

The drive was fun there was a few times I wanted to turn off the traction control and see how sideways I can get on a few corners with out dipping off the road.

In the end there was no taco truck and took too long to get the crew all together to get the bags of goodies so today 4/29/2017 at The Car Show the bag of goodies for attending this awesome cruise.

I will most likely start coming to more events as the year progresses and continue my blogging the experience.

Till the next event,  Give us a like on Facebook.

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