Category: Nevada

Jul 09

Vegas Drift – 07 / 12

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May 17

S12’s on the no carb diet…

A while back I did the full VG30  efi to carb conversion. The project was fun, it was unique and the first s12 with the carb treatment. But fun part was over, I played with it, nuked a motor with it. toured the las vegas strip with it. Issues I’ve had with it, is always …

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Sep 01

Starting to stream more at the track…

Greetings, I have been  doing alot of twitch streams at the track lately and using stream labs for andoid things has been a bit successful. Here was the latest video on demand I have done while I was at the last night time vegas drift track. I am doing this monthly so be sure …

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Apr 17

DPAN GT – Notice me Senpai!

I feel like the last Nissan S12 (200sx) that still exists and drivable in Las Vegas, so i said I will take my car to DPAN GT and I did so with no issues at all.  I have tested and verified my car is running in tip top shape still and have been driving it …

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Mar 28

Vegas Drift – Spirit of the Streets – Vegas S12 Invasion

03/24/2018 was the beginning for the The Vegas S12 Invasion, powered by Club-s12, TougeSW, and VegasDrift.  It started at Speedvegas at around 7am a few people showed up, we rolled out around 10:15am and started the drive down the Las Vegas Strip (Speed Vegas is located just south of the M resort on Las Vegas …

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Jan 22

VegasDrift 2018 Opener – 01-21 – My Redemption

Today I was gearing up to the start off of a great year, at first I was going with all out at the main track but I decided not to this first run because I don’t want to end up breaking the motor again and thought I should relearn my car again. So I ventured …

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Jul 07

Vegas Drift Summer Games 6/29/2017

I came out this day to check it out, the area was a bit short, room was very limited. Only issue I’ve seen for this area was the location and it has no place to sit and actually see the fun through the wall of people.  The games started around 9pm and at this time …

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Apr 29

I survived the valley of fire! seriously.

Thanks to Touge Girl Designs and SinCityZ revival I ventured on this cruise with my 2008 350z VQ35hr SinCityz as a community driven culture in Las Vegas, they meet up every Saturday at 7-10am at The Car Show (9510 S Eastern ave, Las Vegas, NV 89123), Normally with the hard week I have with my …

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Apr 03

Vegas Drift stuff for 2016-2017ish so far

Coverage for a few events it seem. Not sure who all follows, this but if you do. Give TougeSW page a like. The events has been cool, typically alot of seat time I am missing out due to cash and time with my car. As of today 4/3/2017 it has been 2 years since my …

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Nov 14

Spirit of the streets lives on…. after sema

I am out here again with out my drift car… but it is ok I am in the process of the rebound and should be able to get mobile for the next event. For now my brother decided to do something with his car and bring it out for once. A 280zx (S130) 2+2 hitting …

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