Category: Drag

Feb 04

TougeSW – S02E03 – Updates

I’ve finally went live with this episode.

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Jan 30

TougeSW S02E02 – Drift Talk and updates.

Episode 2 for season 2, giving updates on moving forward with my car.

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Jan 30

TougeSW – Season 2 begins now with Episode 1

New Year: New Season: episode 1  

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Dec 08

TougeSW – S01E11 – Project Drift Talk

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Dec 08

TougeSW S01E10 – Project Drift Talk

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Dec 08

TougeSW S01E09 – Vegas Drift 11/17 cover and Project Drift Talk

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Dec 08

TougesW S01E08 – Now dubbed Project: Drift Talk

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Oct 04

Street Driven – Supras in Vegas

I started around 2pm ish the gates opened around 12noon, it was a bit hot, there was 4 spots for this event. As soon as you get in you will notice the track on the right for the drifting spot. I came late because I wasn’t driving and my Z needed both a car wash …

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May 03

Southwest Drift (VegasProAm) – Round 1 – Spring time IFO

May 1st the starting point of IFO  with this time Vegas ProAm also known as Southwest Drift series, I spent the morning doing some work on the car before I had a chance to head out because prior to the previous days it was raining and I was unable to do anytype of work to …

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